Waiting for a table or other resource to open up doesn’t have to be a pain. Really.
Waiting for a seat or a table to open up is one of the least pleasant parts of the dining experience. Other businesses experience similar pain points when walk-in customers must wait to use their facilities. See-U’s Waiting List product revolutionises the entire process.
Would reduced waiting times or a more convenient waiting list solution improve customer experience at your business?
Waiting List makes waiting for a seat easier on the customer, and can actually reduce overall wait times. On arrival, walk-in customers will be invited to join a virtual queue. Like with existing solutions, they need not wait in an actual queue, and can amuse themselves nearby until a place opens up for them. Unlike existing solutions, they won’t have to carry around an unhygienic buzzer or wonder just when they should be ready. They’ll be constantly updated on their phone or mobile device about when they can expect to be served, and they’ll know the instant a place is actually ready for them.
All you need to do to implement Waiting List is to display an easy-to-use QR code in one or more convenient locations, and we do the rest. Customers simply scan the QR code and they will be alerted the instant a table is ready on the phone, tablet or device they used to scan the code.
What if a customer missing their place in the queue actually improved everyone else’s experience?
If a customer misses their call, Waiting List will move rapidly on to notify the next in line. Perhaps more importantly in terms of customer experience, they will instantly be offered a chance to re-enter the queue and/or an invitation to reschedule their visit.